Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tali Props: Behind the Scenes

Chris posted his Tali props video so here it is, as promised!


  1. Your Tali costume is beautiful! I'm really very impressed- not that it means much from a plain Jane like me, heh. Anyways, I've got an idea for a Tali costume in the works, and I was just wondering if maybe you can help me out? It's such a big project that I'm just sort of at a loss for where to even begin!

  2. Thanks!

    Starting the Tali costume involved finding and staring at Tali screenshots from every angle possible and breaking out the pieces I would need to make each piece (bodysuit, jacket/hoodie, belt, boots, helmet, arm pieces, etc.) Then pick one, brainstorm on how you would make it, get some materials and start! Depending on your time frame, don't be afraid to throw something out and start over if it's not coming out the way you want. Good luck! It's a fun project.

  3. If I may, how was the voice-activated light constructed? I've been looking for a way to add one to my own helmet and have had no luck in finding any guides.

  4. Wow, super late comment, sorry. The voice activated light was the relevant guts of a voice-changing toy from Amazon (search for 'voice changer'). It's already got the LEDs in it, just need to remove the voice amplification part.
