Saturday, June 5, 2010

Speeches and Geeks

I'm supposed to be writing my Toastmaster Speech 10 right now. I'm supposed to be writing an inspiring speech.

Instead, I'm procrastinating. The video above has absolutely nothing to do with writing a speech other than the fact that I'm listening to it. The musician is Jonathan Coulton and I'm working my way through his discography instead of being inspiring. I especially like The Future Soon and his cover of Baby Got Back. It's fun, entertaining music which makes it perfect for my current purpose.

Anyway, about speech-writing: I'm not so secretly* resenting that my club has arranged a recruiting event around my 10th speech completing my Competent Communicator manual. (*At least not secretly to my friends who have been hearing me rant and whine about it for the last week. Sorry guys. It'll be over by 1pm on Thursday.) My friend, Chris pointed out to me that it's what I get for being good at speechifying. I'm not so sure about that, but since he's a far better public speaker than I am and a tough critic to boot, I suppose I should take it as a compliment. It just ratchets up the expectation that I give a fantastic speech. Which amounts to guaranteed writer's block.

Ooh, now it's time for karate practice. Maybe I'll come up with something brilliant for the speech when I get kicked in the head.

PS: Nope, no brilliant ideas, but I think that's because I got kicked in the hand rather than the head. I should aim better next time.

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