Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nifty Technology: Photography

This is a DSLR camera clipholder being made by Peter Dering that looks like a better way to have your camera attached to you, so that you can carry it around, ready to take shots while having it more rigidly attached to prevent accidental damage. (Of course, it doesn't take into account walking yourself into objects that could damage your camera, but at least you won't be swinging it into said objects.)

Aside from the actual product, (which does sound nifty, but I'd have to defer to the resident DSLR photographer in the family, Lee, to determine its true user niftiness), I was also intrigued by the method by which this is being manufactured, getting funding, getting advertised. I'd have to look into it further to see how he found his small run manufacturers, but the product clearly has some prototypes but hasn't gone through a larger scale production. He's using the Kickstarter website to solicit funding and generate some enthusiasm out there before he has production going. The marketing apparently worked since I stumbled across this on the internet and I don't know the guy. I know enough people with good ideas for useful designs that could hook into this system for getting that good idea into the hands of more than just their friends and family. It strikes me as somewhat akin to Amazon's self-publishing system only for more than just books. I'll have to keep this in mind the next time I get a bright idea that needs to be made in bulk.

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