Monday, February 2, 2009

My New Favorite Band: Journey

They're not a new band. I didn't even know they had a new lead singer until my sister sent me a text yesterday to the effect of: "filipinos rock! did you see the new singer of journey? Since I was in the yard when I got the message, I didn't see it. So I headed to youtube to find out what she was talking about and found a huge list of Arnel Pineda singing 80s hits from Bryan Adams, Aerosmith, Sting and yes, Journey. He's an amazing singer and an amazing mimic. I played his Journey renditions for Lee, who knew something was up since I asked him who was singing when it was obviously Steve Perry to the ear.

But it's the sight of this Filipino guy belting out rock ballads of the 80's that makes me a new fan. The video above is his performance at the pre-game show of the Superbowl yesterday.

After I devoured a bunch of his songs with his band The Zoo, I headed to Wikipedia where I read a story that could be a Rock Band game story or a Hollywood flick. Here's an interview CBS News did with the band. I especially like that he sounds so much like Steve Perry in song, but speaks with my relatives' accents when he speaks. Pinoy Pride!

A brief synopsis: Arnel grew up on the streets of Manila, collecting bottles for recycling to make money. He started singing in bands at the age of 15. Twenty-five years later, Journey is looking for a new lead singer and found his youtube videos and called him up for an audition. Clearly it was a good one.

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